Monday, October 30, 2006
It was inevitable ...
But as the boys themselves say, their eyes are on the prize and it was just another game.
Thanks to all who rooted for my team -- I'll be sure to return the favor, unless, of course, it's the playoffs!
PS The hats are off to Save the Children today; this month I'm moving on to the VA Project for our local hospital.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
In like Flint

Blogger is acting up and would only let me get this picture on. Which is an inside joke to the person that send my the invitation email.
Well if I could post pictures I would show what I am working at at this moment. I am making some knitting needles. They have funny tips and are displayed on my blog.
Well hello everyone. Be safe out there and keep your stick on the ice.
Good Natured ribbing
Well MFB, the Leafs fan in the house, had to mention a trivia tidbit that I debated on posting but because I like to get him into hot water, I just had to.
See he says that the Sabres record of ten wins at the beginning of the season tied them with the Maple Leafs wasn't a true tie because the Maple Leafs held the record in 93-94 of 10 games in regulation play with no overtimes or shootouts.
Please send your cards, letters and hatemail......
Leafs finally win a shootout!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Tonight's Game
Wild Wild Season

Friday, October 27, 2006
Just like the old Rangers
Which put me in a cranky mood today and I reamed out the girlfriend of my client today at court. Wouldn't keep her mouth shut and kept trying to fight with the ex-wife (who really was a bitch). But, unlike my Rangers, I won. WOOHOO!
The Islander's made history tonight.
Ok the Sabres made it 10 for 10 still being the only undefeated team in hockey. And yes I'm not totally upset by that fact (I love Ryan Miller, and I knew the Isle's wouldn't win that game anyway so really it didn't hurt that bad)
I know few of you are very happy about this, but hey one good thing is I still get to knit and watch the game. It really didn't have the best out come for the Isle's but I'm really trying to be realistic about this season.
Happy Knitting!!!
Let's Go Islanders!!!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Habs v. Bruins Fiasco
Not helped by the fact that also had to frog a gift scarf I'm knitting at the last minute and that makes me grumpy. And it was mohair! Sigh.
Back in action...
Apart from that I honestly thought that you girls might not be that interested in reading my HCI-brabbling - after all, our Austrian hockey league must sound to you like a couple of stone-sculptures running after a coconut on the Easter islands...
Yeah, to me too, at least our guys play like that these days. What I feared before the season started is happening now, they had an amazing start because the other teams just had to find together - but now they did and they're getting better and better, and Innsbruck shows that they don't have anything more to add. They're a second league team playing in the first league, that's it.
Other teams behind us in the standings are changing players/coaches now, Graz bought an NHL-player, heaven knows who'll pay for him - Innsbruck is now about to kick forward Christian Sbrocca (the Canadian singer) - hell, why??? He scored, he assisted, he smashed another guys' head - what more do they want? Instead of him they'll be getting Dave Chyzowski who's been a player I liked for years because I know and like him as a person - but his hockey playing is/was - especially this year - just blah. He played for Linz, last in the season's standings, they dumped him, and Innsbruck buys him - hell, why???? Because he'll play for half of what Izzy or Siklenka would take. Yeah, great. Buy him and go to hell - he won't add anything to that team.
We're all frustrated here, it's tough trying to enjoy a hockey game when everything you want to do is go down to the bench and kick the manager's butts. But it's probably everywhere like that, ain't it?
Knitting stuff next time, okay? I'll be casting on for another chemo cap - I want to have a whole bunch of them to give away as long as it's cold. Cold? We had 83F here today, so I suppose I have a bit more time to knit hats ;)
Favorite Hockey Movies
Here's mine:
Slapshot Man oh man did I laugh. It's just as good now as it was when it first came out in the '70s.
Miracle Saw it twice. The spouse actually took me on Valentine's Day, which was a wonderful gesture on his non-hockey loving part. Kurt Russell in that plaid sportcoat was priceless.
Happy Gilmore Okay, maybe not a traditional hockey movie, but fun.
Your picks?
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Hello Hockey Fans!!!
I wanted to introduce myself, My name is Tammy. I live in Anchorage, Alaska. I have been watching Scottie Gomez for years up here. I love watching Pittsburgh play too. WOHOOOO!!!!
So on the charity knitting front. My group of knitters just finished 60 breast cancer awarenes scarfs that we sent out to charity and we are now starting on knitted toys for christmas for the local foster children.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
I'm getting dizzy
Thursday night, Islanders. It will be interesting -- two ex-Sabres are on the team -- Mirolav Satan (I have his jersey-signed!) and Alexi Zhitnik. The coach is Ted Nolan, used to be a wonderful coach of the Sabres, but got bumped by the GM for "allegedly" being involved with a star player's wife (I won't name names, but he's a goalie now with the Red Wings).
Should be a great game!
On the knitting front, I'm working on another cap, but might switch charities for November. I'm in charge of our County Bar Association's holiday charity project, and we're collecting warm items for the local VA Hospital residents. So hats and mittens for grown-ups will be next.
Let's all remember -- keep your stick(s) on the ice!
PS Twig -- might have to increase the size of your crying towel to crying bathsheet if this streak continues!
Monday, October 23, 2006
That'll leave a mark
It seems like the Avalanche were embarrassed by their loss to Michelle's Canadiens and decided to bring it in a 6-1 victory tonight over the Kings. Woo hoo.
Penn State Icers won their game on Sunday against Weber State with a score of 5-1 to end their three games in three days in Ohio. That puts them 5 and 2 for the season. Pretty good for a young team with a new head coach. This weekend the team is home and playing the Ohio Bobcats this should be exciting hockey.
I keep forgetting to post a picture of the completed hat with the yarn that shall never be spoken of again.

And here's the start of another hat.

Another win, another cap

Here's our lovely 'Tooth, modeling a Cap to the Capital in purple.
He's wondering when I'll get around to buying yarn in team colors, but he may have to wait a while.
The boys are doing fantastic (8-0), whodathunk, and I'm afraid to look down. Tonight, they play the 'Habs, but unfortunately it's one of those ratzenfratzen "Versus" network only broadcasts, so I'm stuck to audio, unless I can figure out how to watch on the computer.
Thought for the day: Hockey players play, what -- 83 games a year? 83 games of fast skating, board checking, play your guts out 3-4 times a week sporting activity. Football players play 12-14 games a year. I went to a NFL game once (Buffalo Bills) and was bored to tears. It was slow, the fans were more obnoxious and rude than I had ever seen at the Arena for a Sabres game, and I got altitude sickness from where I had to sit in the stadium.
But, they get paid a gazillion dollars a year! And a fair number of them are absolute idiots in their private lives, which soon become public with the stunts (some illegal) that they pull.
Our hockey players, on the other hand, must get any aggressive tendencies out on the ice, as I rarely hear about any of their antics. And in comparison, they get paid peanuts compared to their football counterparts.
Let's see: Hard working skaters v. guys who run a little, block a little, wait for a while ... 83 games v. 12 games ...
It ain't fair, is all I'm saying.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
A game and the start of a hat
It only makes me feel slightly better that Sasha Pokuluk is playing in Hershey under the Caps' system. Slightly, only slightly. Like I said, Cornell first, then the Caps.
This week, Thursday we have a game against Robert Morris and a game Saturday against RIT. The season is just beginning and league play starts the following weekend vs. Yale and Brown.
I'm going to Florida between Christmas and New Years for the annual hockey tournament. Got my tickets, got a room, got at least one friend going. Participants this year are Maine (with us there always), UNH, and UMD. Should be a fun weekend!
Thirteen goals in one game - whodathunkit?
Penn State Icers are in Youngstown OH for the ACHA Showcase. They lost 3-5 on Friday against the OK Sooners and they won today against Minot State 7-0 with Nick Signet in the net getting his first shut out and the game puck. Tomorrow they take on Weber State before comming home.
MFB's Leafs defeated the Blue Jackets (sorry Kristen) on Friday 4-2 and they lost a tough one, in a shoot out, to the Rangers 5-4 (congrats Lesley) tonight.
The Avalanche game tonight was a roller coaster for me. They scored two goals about two minutes apart and then a couple minutes later a third than the Habs turned it on and from there it was goal after goal, including the Habs scoring five of their goals in the third. Final score Habs win 8-5 over the Av's. 8-5!!! Sheesh. 13 goals in total. I don't know if I've ever seen that before. Congratulations Michelle.
An Amazing Game!
Now I'm looking forward to Monday's game: get ready KnittingJones & Zarzuela, and may the best team (mine of course!) win :)
Consolation Gift
My husband found it quite amusing. And between my bouts of giggles I started plotting my revenge.
In other news, sorry BFB (Barb's Favorite Blogger) and Drea. The Rangers beat the Leafs tonight to finally put an end to our 3 game losing streak.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Two games for me!
And my season has FINALLY begun. Cornell takes the ice tonight against York Univeristy out of Canada for an exhibition game.
I've also found what I'm knitting for: Head Huggers.
Angelrae and Celia should be proud of their 'Canes. Last night's game was just plain old great hockey by both teams. They were fast, both teams were all over the ice, from one end to the other, and you could tell every player was giving it his all. Kind of like a repeat of last year's playoff rounds.
I just hope my boys kept enough gas in the tank for tonight's game against the Bruins ...
Friday, October 20, 2006
My "ill gotten gain"!!

I call it --- Sabres whup the Rangers booty!!
PS I love the color Twig!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Two in a row
Joe Sakic got an even strength goal in the second and then Brad Richardson scored on a short handed break away. Richardson can skate, and skate fast! His shot from in front of the Colorado bench was at a perfect angle for the bench to watch it and go wild when he scored.
Ottawa scored in the third and without that "insurance goal" lead the Av's had, I always get a little nervous. The Av's held on and I am one happy knitter.
The Av's finish their road trip on Saturday at Montreal. Can they go three straight? I'm keeping my needles crossed.
Husband and Icers are travelling tomorrow to Youngstown Ohio for the ACHA Showcase where they play a game on Fri, Sat, and Sun. I'll be listening to the broadcast on the internet.
Just wanted to share this.
You can watch any game live. I was mad, because I thought I had to listen to the Isle's/Pen's game on the radio, but I went in to check score and noticed the link for the "watch live" So I'm watching the game. WOOHOO.
I really should be knitting, but I guess, I'm slacking off.
Thanks for the warm welcome to the group! It's so great to get back into hearing hockey talk! Love it, love it, love it!! (and DH has to get used to all the yelps and cheers again while I watch the games)
The one really sad thing about hockey in Pittsburgh, is that Pittsburgh never really was nor ever really be a hockey town. This town is owned by the Steelers. I was so happy when Mario joined the team, because (besides being really cool to watch), it helped step up the popularity of the game here (and the Stanley Cups didn't hurt, either). Unfortunately, when he left, so did a lot of fans.
What's disappointing is to see how the city views them. The Pens play in a crumbing, antiquated arena, and while both the Steelers and Pirates (*that* was a total waste of money) got shiny, new stadiums, the Pens have not.
Oh, well, enough rant...It's a hockey night!
12th Commandment?
So forgive my eagerness, but the desire to covet the Cup is strong and I am weak.
your humble servant,
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Well, it's 5.45 am over here and I just read the news that Izzy will not come. Thank you, HCI! They let my Siklenka go to Sweden though he literally begged to play here, they didn't take Isbister who was on his knees as well and would have agreed to play for a lousy salary - I can't tell you how disappointed I am. And sad. And fed up.
This management sucks big time, they already got a lot of ex-die-hard-fans off hockey this season, and CM and me will be the next to not go to the stadium anymore. We're not willing to spend money for these ignorant, stupid, unable bunch of suckheads - it's not the team's fault of course, but just imagine if I'd see one of the managers next time in the stadium, I'd crash with them big time. Seriously.
So well, that's it. Sob.
Hi there, and Let's Go Pens!
I watched the Pens-Devils game this evening, and although we lost, it was really cool to watch a game again (and it was a great game). It was as if I didn't take an 8-year holiday.
During the game, I made a Kitty Snugglie. Remember a few years ago when Wendy (of Wendy Knits!) and some other knitters led a Critter Knitters KAL? There is a charity website that offers direction for crafters who want to craft for their furry friends by making blankets for animals in shelters across the US (and maybe Canada?) called the Hugs for Homeless Animals: Snuggles Project which may have been an offshoot from (or inspiration for?) Critter Knitters.
I found a local shelter on the Snuggles website and will be making Snugglies during the Pens games I watch. The one I made tonight is crochet (yes, I know this is a knitting KAL :o) but I happened to have the correct crochet needle handy and didn't feel like searching through my knitting needles.
Appropriately, my first Snugglie has some Pens colors...

My other crafty pursuits (and kitties) are on my blog, Singular Stitches.
Let's go Pens!
And it's been too funny seeing the Jagr/Rangers comments here. Last time I remember seeing him play, he was a young'un just off the boat, with this long locks flying out behind him. (and wearing a Pens uniform!... :o)
Leafs (husbands team) scored the first goal of the game about 2 minutes into the first period, but the Avalanche (my team) came from behind to win 4-1 including 3 goals in 8 shots. I think the Leafs should have actually had two goals, but the ref lost sight of the puck in the crease: but the puck was in the net and then the ref blew the whistle. It was even reviewed but the determination was the ref meant to blow the whistle when he lost sight of the puck which was before the puck crossed the line.
Even though I predicted there would be impassioned discussions of our favorite players' skills and talents, there were no raised voices, no extension of single digits, and no muttered expletives. Respect reigned supreme.
'Tis only the beginning of the season.
Bee Happy!

Is this not the cutest hat? It's adapted from the Bee Hive adult hat in S-n-B Nation. Makes me want to go out a find a baby to put it on, now!
And why are we happy?????? 9-1! Even though I couldn't watch it, I listened. My oh my, with all the talent on the Flyers team, they just sucked!
(doing the victory dance around the office)
Isbister to Innsbruck?!
Then this season he got sent to the 'Canes Farm Team where he obviously doesn't like to stay, he got in touch with the HCI's officials and told them he and especially his wife-to-be loved Innsbruck so much, they'd love to come back, play here, get married here, live here and raise their kids...
The HCI first claimed the don't have the money to pay Izzy - now they have, they got an extra sponsor and a special financial concept, just for Isbister to play here. See - what's not good enough for the NHL is definitely good enough for here. Our league is 3 classes worse than the NHL, and an ex-NHL-player is definitely always a superstar here.
Imagine that first line of ours with Todd Elik as center (501 NHL-games played, top-scorer and assist-giver of our league), and Brad Isbister - and we have some more good guys that would benefit so much from him. Actually our first line as well as the Powerplay-Special team would be unbeatable then - and added to that the joy to see Izzy play for us again!!! I swear, if he'd come, the HCI would sell a couple hundred (if not more) season's tickets and team's jerseys in an hour! They'd fill the Olympia Stadium once again, not just the "small" ice hall where we play currently!
Today's news say that it's now up to Izzy, the HCI is ready to buy him - and Izzy said he's ready to come over. So now, where's the problem?
Ladies, pleeeze keep your fingers crossed: Getting Izzy to play for us would be like a major win in the lottery!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Hockey v. Flu
Sadly, I missed the first 1 and a half periods because I was sleeping, argh. Stupid flu! I dozed off on the couch this afternoon at 3 and seriously slept right through to about 8:45, completely missing most of the action in what was clearly a great game between Montreal & Calgary. Sigh.
Only a bit of knitting lately, as this is the Habs' first game since Saturday:

Just keep telling myself
I finished my hat last night. I thought it would be for a little guy, but this hat fits me. It'll still go for charity though. Picture in the next couple of days.
Tomorrow night is the big game; my team against my husbands Maple Leafs. That's right Colorado is at Toronto and I have a date with the husband for
I know Joanne is with me - Go Av's!!!
You know what makes me happy? Other than the fact it means we won, I just like the way the Rangers salute the fans after a win by going to the center of the ice and raising their sticks.
In other sock news, the payoff for the evil Jonesy has been purchased and packaged up. Every fiber (fiber, get it?) of my being shudders to think perfectly good sock yarn is going to be residing in a Sabres infested house.
I can't stand it!
I'll be forced to listen on the radio, while watching a muted "Law and Order" rerun.
10 Comandments of Hockey
10 Comandments of hockey
1. Thou shall keep thy butt in Thou's seat whenever the puck is in Play.
2. Thou shall not put any team before the home team.
3. Thou shall dress appropriatley so that one can be recognized for which team you are alliencedto, and so that there will be no need for fixing hair,makeup, and assorted bra-straps during the game.
4. Thou shall not have disruptive electronic communicative devices at your seat during the hockey game.
5. Thou shall not covet the visiting teams players.
6. Thou shall let others fully express themselves at all times during a hockey game.
7. Thou shall do everything humanly possible to disrupt the opposing goaltender.
8. Thou shall take the ref's name in vain.
9. Thou shalt not die during a hockey game.
10. Thou shalt cheer as hard as possible for the home team no matter what he score is, no matter what the season record is.
Cap #2 done...

*Caugh* *Sneeze* Yep, I'm sick, but that doesn't mean that I can't knit - 3x3-rib-chemo-cap #2 is done.
I really love these, they're such quick and nice knits and you can perfectly use all your leftover yarn for it - perfect!
Off to bed I am - there's plans to go to Salzburg on Friday with a couple of other fans for the HCIs-away-game... Should be fun after such a long time, but I doubt I'll be back in shape then ;(
Have a great time, ladies!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Sorry about that. Penn State beat Scranton 4-2 Friday night and they beat Navy today 6-3 with the last an empty net goal. Penn State is ranked #2 in the ACHA to - I hate to say the name - Rhode Island. They have some things to work on though - the big thing that I noticed is rather than shooting a one timer the shooter is hesitating and it gives the goalie the time to square up to them. The great things I noticed about the Icers is their conditioning, they are fast and they are tough.
There was another knitter in the stands today - and she was knitting while the game was going on. I can't do that - I have to watch the game. I'm almost done with the hat and should have it done in the next couple of days.
The Avalanche lost last night to Edmonton, heavy sigh.
Hi All!!!
I just wanted to send a quick Hello!!! I'm a New York Islander's fan and Bridgeport Soundtiger's Fan (the Isle's AHL affiliate) and season ticket holder (hey a 10 minute drive beats a 90 minute drive anyday)
This now gives me an opportunity to do something that I've wanted to do for a while and now I can't procrastinate. I'm going to knit for Warm Up America.
Hope everyone enjoys the hockey season it's going to be a long one. All I can say is the Islander's won their home opener with the back up goalie, since the $67million boy is out with a groin pull, wow it really is going to be a long season, that goodness, I can bring my knitting to the games, it keeps me sane....well kinda.
Let's go Islander's
Happy Knitting.
Vikki :-)
And they
Just came back from the stadium, in the last 5 minutes all the people (ALL!) were standing up, clapping their hands and cheering - oh my gosh, did I ever get goosebumps with that (oops? I've read that somewhere... whether it's the correct phrase or not, I'll see, I suppose...)
Next entry you'll see some real knitting contecnt, I swear - I've been knitting one more chemo cap like mad... Yes!!!
Buffalo Won!
For me as a pretty neutral NHL-fan (or neutral I try to be) this was an interesting game indeed as our two only Austrians in the NHL met last night - I mean, Austria is certainly not a hockey-country, so having two lads playing in the NHL is certainly something to be proud of for us here. Thomas Pöck (NYR) is still searching for his place in hockey heaven it seems, but Thomas Vanek (Buffalo) has already found it, no? Did he have some time on the ice at all last night? And what about Pöck? Cool indeed, and yay Susan for the Sabres - I would have loved to see the happy dance you did! ;)
Saturday, October 14, 2006
500th NHL Career Goal
Our weekend house guest who is a Flyers fan is not happy as they just lost to New Jersey.
Back to my Avalanche who WERE leading the Oilers. Twice. Now it's tied. Good Luck to your team Jill.
Let's not speak of this game. Ever. NEVER EVER.
Jonesy, email me your mailing address. *sigh*

This picture was taken earlier this week I am significantly further and was knitting away on it while watching MFB's Leafs loose the game by giving up a three goal lead (yes they should be red faced about that) and lost in the shoot out. I also was working away on it while in the arena waiting for the Penn State Icers season home opener to start last night. The Icers defeated Scranton 4-2 but there were some anxious moments on the way to the win.
Tonight we have on tap Leafs vs Flames on TV and tomorrow afternoon I'm at the arena watching the Icers against Navy. I'll get about an hour of knitting time there before the game.
First item done
Masters of the Shoot Out!

My oh my. I think I need heart medication. How sweet the victory, especially because it was a "Czech Mate" -- shooting the puck past Mr. Sour Grapes himself, Dominik Hasek. We rule! (hear that Twig? Tonight's the night!)
And ... as Caps to the Capital only lasts until Jan. 7th, I made a chemo cap last night -- a wild and crazy one. My local knitting group meets at the library, and instead of charging us for the meeting room, they just ask that we choose a charity, so we make and replenish a supply of chemo caps for the local hospital. I'm going to do another one tonight, that is, in between the many goals Buffalo will be scoring against the Rangers.
The game was horrible though - what I've seen in these 8 games now is that we have a great and strong offense, though they need way too many chances to actually score, our defense - well, they got as many holes in their lineup as a Swiss cheese, and our goalies, especially the #1 goalie, are rotten bad. But they're all fighters, don't give up for a second, play way more disciplined than at the beginning - and obviously it worked! But there's still a lot of work left...
I followed the NHL-results from the past days - yay for the Sabres and the Canes for winning - and thumbs up to the others, there's many more games to win! ;)
Have a great weekend, ladies!
Friday, October 13, 2006
First Cap is finito!

Now I have to do the same one for CM as that's obviously the cap he wanted for ages - fine with me, I had a ball of this yarn left so I already cast on for #2 - and hey, there's a lot more caps to do, I'm getting addicted to them and there's so many gorgeous patterns out there!
In hockey news, I've found a page that translates Swedish into English/German - the results of these translations are really ridiculous, but at least I could read that the guys up there in the north are getting hysterical about Siklenka coming to play for them - one of the guys there who played with him in Austria said something about a "gorgeous, huge guy" (yeah!) who's "very kind and generous" (oy!) and has a "deadly shot"... Hmh, they'll have a lot of fun with him there ;)
Innsbrucks teams' management drives me insane once more these days - Brad Isbister (Ex-Boston Bruins, Ex-Carolina Hurricanes) said he'd love to play here again, he doesn't want to stay in the Canes' Farm Team where he is now and obviously enjoyed his time in Innsbruck so much - but the HCI mumbled something about no money... For heaven's sake, they *have* the money, plus with Izzy alone they'd be sold out till the end of the season, the cash he'd bring would be definitely more than the cash spent on him. Blah. DUH! *Shakes head in total disbelief* *Stops ranting now*
And finally I found a German TV-channel who broadcasts NHL-games in the middle of the night - not regularly unfortunately, but at least I get to see a bit of the great hockey from overseas and could enjoy the last Rangers' game - woah, what a goal by Jagr! I'm not too impressed with the Rangers' goalie though, what do you think about him, Twig?
Hope you're all having a great time - yay for a couple amazing games this weekend!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
How's everyone else doing?
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Hi There
I am a huge hockey fan, all the way back to when I was a little girl and watched the Boston Bruins. Now, while still being a Bruins fan, I am an even bigger college hockey fan. We have season tickets to University of New Hampshire Men's Wildcat Hockey. We have been going to games and following the team since the late 90's, even going out to Anaheim, California for the National Championship. I also like the Minnesota Wild and am a big fan of Alexander Ovechkin. But my favorite hockey is the Midget and High School hockey that my son plays!
His HS coach is a former college player who played in France and I think Switzerland, but for Dipsy Doodle I need to find out exactly what teams he was on.
So, thanks for letting me in and I will get to work on finding the right charity. At the moment, we are making quilts to be auctioned off to raise money for our local school, but I am actively looking for knitting opportunities.
Will keep you posted and Good Luck to everyone's teams, at least for now, it's early in the season!!! :)
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Hockey Hiatus
Learning Swedish? Oy!
But argh, I would so enjoy to follow how he's doing up there in the north, why in all the world can't they write their website in english? What a dilemma! No, I refuse to learn Swedish now, I really refuse it!!!!
This week we have 3 games - one tonight as an away game in Graz and then two home games on Friday and Sunday - yay for that, unfortunately no knitting time as I'll be in the stadium! But I'm happily knitting away on my first chemo cap and already printed out, like, 20 patterns that I'd all love to try my hands at - oops ;) Chemo-cap-knitting-mania?
Monday, October 09, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving
Penn State Icers lost on Sunday to Robert Morris in Pittsburgh on Sunday 6-0. Robert Morris is a NCAA team while the Icers are an ACHA leaque. Not surprising that they lost but 6-0? Ouch. MFB's bus trip home with the team was a bit subdued. This next weekend we have a game Friday night and one on Sunday since the Penn State Nittany Lion football team has a home game on Saturday. The Sunday game will be a bit emotional as it is against Navy and there will be ceremonies honoring the armed forces.
The Av's won last night. And looked pretty darn good to me as they came from behind a couple of times to win, and it didn't even go into OT. Right now we are watching the Leafs and my Denver Broncos are about to kickoff for Monday Night Football. The new receiver that was installed on Saturday with Picture in Picture is going to be put to good use this winter!
Remember how I said that MFB (husband, My Favorite Blogger) was a Leafs fan and I an Av's but we generally will cheer on the others team? Well wait for Wednesday October 18 at 7:30 EST. Uh, Dipsy you may hear he and I exchanging "pleasantries" and familial "compliments" all the way in Austria that night. LOL
I'll post a picture of progress on my hat on next post.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
And to prove that I did something else than biting my finger- and toenails, here you go, this little nothing is the beginning of the first chemo-cap - I thought I'll start off with a darker color that'll suit everything fine and then head onto the more cheerful colors. Basic 3x3 rib, easy and quick work - perfect for hockey evenings ;)

Hi All!
So, I support a couple of teams. First and foremost, Cornell hockey. I went to school there, became a hockey fan there, and support them ever since. Cornell's season starts next weekend with an exhibition game. Second, I cheer for the Caps. They're local. After I graduated, I moved down to DC and started watching NHL and followed the Caps. So now, I share in the annual ups and downs. You'd think I'd be a Bruins fan having grown up in the Boston area, but no, I wasn't brought up with it.
The knitting - I've been wanting to do some sort of charity knitting like chemo caps for cancer patients, and am in search of some sort of charity that does just that.
Found a charity + Tonight's THE game!
And: I found a charity over here! The ladies at the chemo department of Innsbruck's hospital sent a very lovely reply to my mail asking them if they're in need of some nice caps - and they are, hallelujah! I have never knit caps before as I don't wear any, so this is going to be a learning experience!
Tonight's the ultimate game in Innsbruck's stadium: Red Bulls Salzburg are coming over - they're #1 in the standings, 2 pts before us and they're the absolute favorites for this year's Cup - they're the most "expensive" team having Red Bull Energy Drink as a sponsor and thus they bought basically everyone that's good over the summer break. But we're close behind them, and if we beat 'em, we're the #1, hah!!!
I'm sick as a dog today and thus not sure if I can drag myself into the stadium - if I do, I'll be either dead or completely healthy again tomorrow - and if I don't go, then I'll watch the game on TV, casting on for my first chemo cap!
I wanted to tell you ladies that I'm still totally excited with our little place on the Internet that Twig did for us here, it's sooo good reading your hockey rants and seeing your great knitting all at once, my heart jumps out with every entry I'm reading! Yay and scoooore!
Yay Habs!
My first Hockey charity knitting project is slowly coming together...

For the Red Scarf Project
Grey hairs caused by hockey. News at 11
BTW, we have a prize donation! So get knitting and post those pictures. You have to have at least one FO for charity to be entered in the drawing. The drawing will be the first Wednesday of November -- which happens to be November 1, too.
If you want to offer a prize donation, email me at Just a skein a yarn, or a couple stitch markers, would be great. (And maybe a little Miss Clairol so I can get rid of these grey hairs that multiply like bunnies during long shootouts!)
Saturday, October 07, 2006
A win and a loss
Our Penn State Icers won their first game of the regular season against Washington/Jefferson tonight, it's an away game and I decided not to travel. I've been watching the Leafs while listening to MFB's broadcast on the internet. It's hard to knit when your ears are listening to one game while your eyes are trying to watch a game and watch the needles. So far I only had to fix one mistake. LOL
Driving home from dinner last night I remembered my satellite radio has hockey coverage, so I found another place for hockey and knitting (if MFB is driving of course).
Tomorrow is game two for Penn State, the Leafs are off and Vancouver visits Denver to take on the Av's. Ahhhhhh, hockey - isn't life great??
Hope everyone's teams is doing as well as Michele's.
Oh Those Boys!
And ... another little hat, but my camera is at the office, so a photo will have to wait.
ps Oh Twig -- guess whose team is coming to Buffalo next week? Wanna have a little friendly wager? See who can knit the most during the game?
Friday, October 06, 2006
New Here!
I guess I'll start off with a bit about me ... I'm a Canadian living in the USA & I'm a HUGE hockey fan & knitter .... my dd is a totally AWESOME goalie and has a bright hockey future ahead of her. I do a lot of knitting at her practices, I can't really knit at her games since I am a goalie Mom & I'm to busy freaking out if the players get in her crease - lol. She plays for CSI - Colorado Springs Independents, we are a brand new team in a new league (and we're looking for sponsors - lol)

* Sherri
Still searching for a charity
Then I contacted our local women's shelter if they're in need of something knitted - and would you believe it, the mail that I got back wasn't very friendly indeed. They said they'd need money, not anything knitted - sh**, they made me feel like a dumbo.
I'm still waiting for an answer from the local hospital, perhaps they'd need some little hats and stuff for babies born too early (once more I don't remember the correct english word for it). If I get one more answer like the one from the women's shelter, then I'll be molto-frustrated and will be heading for one of your overseas charities. If they don't want my stuff here - to hell with them ;(
Thanks for reading my rant, I needed to get that off my chest!
Onto a happier topic - my boys played against one of the "biggies" last night and totally messed up the first 40 minutes - it seemed they were non-existant, they were back 2:0 and no one would have given a dime on them anymore.
Then the last period started and voilá - our new darling Canadian Christian Sbrocca (he's a singer too, having released 2 CDs in Canada already) showed what he's up to - goodie! They scored 4 times in 2.22 minutes and won the game - hallelujah!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Yay! Nice opening game
I wasn't sure how I'd feel about Brendan Shanahan coming to NY. I've spent a long time not liking him because he played for "the enemy." After watching the game tonight, a combination of Jagr, Shanahan, Nylander and Prucha on one team is going to be pretty deadly. After having lived through 8 years without going to the playoffs, I was in heaven last year when they made it -- even though they got knocked out in the first round. Dare I say it? This year, I think the Rangers will have the wherewithal to go farther.
In knitting, I've completed the first item for CIC. I actually started it last night while I was watching other games and completed it tonight.

New member
(And any Ottawa fans can just stay quiet about last night's game *LOL*)
I'm a Sabres fan too! :)
Thanks so much for letting me join the group. My name is Jessica and while I'm currently living in central NJ I am a totally rabid Buffalo Sabres fan! :) After living near Buffalo for four years during college, you just can't help but be converted. After the performance last night (despite the fact that I'm not too sure about the new uniforms), I'm hoping for another awesome season.
I haven't done any charity work in a while, and I figure this is a good excuse to start. The local chapter of Project Linus is fairly active here and I hope to contribute to them either through squares toward a group afghan with the local SnB, or an in shop knitting day that is approaching soon. My all time favorite charity however is Heartmade Blessings. I used to be much more active with them, so I hope to get a few squares (is "crochet" a dirty word here?! ;) ) to them soon.
I'm looking forward to being part of this group! I hope to make it around to all of your individual blogs soon. In the meantime, happy knitting and Go Sabres!!
(P.S. I thought of you all as I walked past MSG today and all the crazy Rangers fans were milling about listening to a live band, waiting for their first game to start. I may have to take my life in my hands and go see the Sabres there this season! ;))
Admin type stuff
- I'm turning off word verification until we start having a problem with spam.
- If I don't have the name you would prefer on the sidebar with the teams represented let me know and I'll change it to your preference.
- If I don't have your personal blog linked, it's because you have more than one and I didn't know which one to choose or I don't know your blog's URL.
Caps to the Cup!
Count me in too!
I'm cheering for my local team, and obsession, the Colorado Avalanche.

My charity knitting will be chemo caps for the Anschutz Cancer Pavilion of the University of Colorado Hospital.
Also... if you're in the area, on Friday, October 13th, A Knitted Peace in Littleton will be having a Mammoknits Night. We'll be making knitted breasts for the cancer center at Swedish Hospital. It's from 5 - 9, and there will be live music and snacks. Call the store to RSVP and for more information: 303-730-0366. Bring dp needles, yarn will be supplied.
GO AVs!!
Go Sabres!!!!!!!!!!
And I love knitting! Right now I'm doing "Caps to the Capital" for my charity project -- it's through "Save the Children" -- you knit preemie hats and they get sent to the White House to educate GW on the needs of third-world, our world, undernourished and health challenged babies.
One cap per game is my goal -- hmmm, maybe in team colors?
PS Twig -- my butt has been on trial. But (hee hee) it's back now!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I haven't quite decided what my charity knitting is going to be, but I have until 7 pm on Thursday to figure it out. I'm going to try making a catnip mouse and if that turns out, I'll probably make a gazillion of them for the local animal shelters. I also think I'll be knitting for Children in Common.
Hi all, I'm in!!
I'm naive about the ways of KAL's as this is my first so if I do something strange, let me know. I see a couple of blog friends here already and I think I know of at least three others that I'm going to email and give them a heads up.
MFB (husband) has a post on his blog today about the history of The Stanley Cup if anyone is interested.
I'm representing the Colorado Avalanche. But I also have to humor MFB who, as Ms. M's Miscellany, cheering on his hometown "Cup-less Leafs". Ours is a home of a Canadian and an American currently living in Pennsylvania. I may also keep you updated on the ACHA team MFB does play by play for, The Pennsylvania State University Icers.
I'll be knitting hats and gloves for some local charities in the area.
Good luck to everyone's teams.
What a Great Idea!
I will be knitting wash cloths and mini stockings for Canadian troops whilst watching my beloved if Cup-less Leafs.
Hi and Thanks!
I'd like to give a very special thanks to Twig for coming up with this most amazing idea, we hockey-knitting-nuts just have to unite! A big thanks too to Michelle for that cool button!
I'll be representing Austria's HC Innsbruck - all the best to everyone's fave team!
Dipsy D.
A Button
I made a button for us to use on our blog sidebars if we want:

Please feel free to use either button!
(please save to your own server though)
I may tweak the colours later but now its time to sleep.
And I also wanted to say thanks again to Lesley for starting this great Hockey KAL, and wish everyone's teams the best in the upcoming season!
not an artist
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Represent your favorite team. Knit for the charity of your choice. Use the patterns and yarn you want. No one is going to tell you what you can or can’t do. No deadlines except the official end date will be the last day of the regular season. As you get items knitted up, you can distribute them as you wish. Give them to your local battered women’s shelter, homeless shelter, animal shelter, or send stuff to CIC or the Dulaan Project, or….whatever.
If you're interested in donating prizes to encourage participation, email me at
Everyone is welcome to join the knitalong whether or not you have a favorite team.
Do you want to join? Email me at the above address and I'll send you an invitation to join this blog as a team member so you can post updates, pictures, and cheer for your team.