Sunday, October 15, 2006


Pardon my quick rant. These new officiating rules are making me nuts - well, nuttier than normal. I think it's even worse at the college level than the NHL. During the Penn State games this weekend the penalty boxes looked like a game in poker; at one point there was a full house and there may have even been a straight. You can't blame the ref's they've been told to call EVERYTHING. The Icers coach said that in the third period today there was less than two minutes where the Icers played at full strength.

Sorry about that. Penn State beat Scranton 4-2 Friday night and they beat Navy today 6-3 with the last an empty net goal. Penn State is ranked #2 in the ACHA to - I hate to say the name - Rhode Island. They have some things to work on though - the big thing that I noticed is rather than shooting a one timer the shooter is hesitating and it gives the goalie the time to square up to them. The great things I noticed about the Icers is their conditioning, they are fast and they are tough.

There was another knitter in the stands today - and she was knitting while the game was going on. I can't do that - I have to watch the game. I'm almost done with the hat and should have it done in the next couple of days.

The Avalanche lost last night to Edmonton, heavy sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's our big problem here as well, I think our refs call way more than the NHL-ones would - probably due to the fact that ours are... well... I'll spare you the nice little words I have for them...
Fact is that these new rules so damage the game that I grew to love, this is definitely not "my" hockey anymore. Hockey is fast and it's hard - I'm all for penalizing all these stick holders and the "real" fouls, but for heaven's sake, these refs already choke on their whistle when one player just looks at the other! And I definitely don't enjoy watching 16 mins Powerplay per third, I mean, where's the fun? Grrr....