Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just wanted to share this.

I came across this tonight, and didn't know if anyone else knew of it, if you go to Yahoo Sports.

You can watch any game live. I was mad, because I thought I had to listen to the Isle's/Pen's game on the radio, but I went in to check score and noticed the link for the "watch live" So I'm watching the game. WOOHOO.

I really should be knitting, but I guess, I'm slacking off.


Anonymous said...

Omigosh! Great find. That will be great for Jonesy when her dish doesn't get the channel and now Dipsy can see the games without relying on German tv.

barbp said...

Wow. I just let the husband know as he is travelling this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Wo-how! Now, that's an amazing find, thanks so much! That German TV channel broadcasts games totally irregularly, but now I can come back to NHL-heaven, thanks to you! Hallelujah!

KnittingJones said...

Wow! Thanks -- now I won't have to curse the damned dish!

Singular Stitches said...

How cool!! Thanks for sharing.

I was doing some homework last night and didn't get to watch the Pens-Isles game. :o(