Thursday, October 26, 2006

Habs v. Bruins Fiasco

I wrote a whole angry rant about one-sided officiating, commentator whining and disgusting fan behaviour but I deleted it because it was just too negative to share with all of you. Suffice it to say that if this is what all hockey games were like I would no longer be watching, it was that bad.

Not helped by the fact that also had to frog a gift scarf I'm knitting at the last minute and that makes me grumpy. And it was mohair! Sigh.


Anonymous said...

I hate nights like that. Thankfully, they're few and far between.

Anonymous said...

I for one would have loved to read your rant - I wouldn't feel so alone as the major ranter then ;) But hey, such nights suck big time, and added to that frogging mohair, how bad can it get? Poor you - fingers crossed for better times to come *soon*!

barbp said...

Oh man that's about as bad as it can get, having to frog mohair (which is a pending horizon event for moi as well) and bad officiating.