Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hockey v. Flu

Oh yeah.

Sadly, I missed the first 1 and a half periods because I was sleeping, argh. Stupid flu! I dozed off on the couch this afternoon at 3 and seriously slept right through to about 8:45, completely missing most of the action in what was clearly a great game between Montreal & Calgary. Sigh.

Only a bit of knitting lately, as this is the Habs' first game since Saturday:



Anonymous said...

Gosh, this looks amazing already - love the cheerful colors! And I'm still so impressed by the pics you're doing, you *are* an artist! ;)
So sorry to hear you've caught the flu too, there must be something in the air these days - do get better soon, all the best to you!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon. I hope you sick ones don't breathe on the computer. I don't wanna get sick.

The scarf is looking great.

barbp said...

WOW! I want your camera or your skills at photography. It looks beautiful. Hope you feel better soon. Good luck to your team!!

KnittingJones said...

What a beautiful scarf! If that's how you knit when you have the flu ... I can't wait to see what you come up with when you're healthy!