Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I'm getting dizzy

9-0! Sorry Not an Artist, but the boys maintained their streak. Plus, 3 out of the 4 top scoring players in the league are from the Sabres!

Thursday night, Islanders. It will be interesting -- two ex-Sabres are on the team -- Mirolav Satan (I have his jersey-signed!) and Alexi Zhitnik. The coach is Ted Nolan, used to be a wonderful coach of the Sabres, but got bumped by the GM for "allegedly" being involved with a star player's wife (I won't name names, but he's a goalie now with the Red Wings).

Should be a great game!

On the knitting front, I'm working on another cap, but might switch charities for November. I'm in charge of our County Bar Association's holiday charity project, and we're collecting warm items for the local VA Hospital residents. So hats and mittens for grown-ups will be next.

Let's all remember -- keep your stick(s) on the ice!

PS Twig -- might have to increase the size of your crying towel to crying bathsheet if this streak continues!


Anonymous said...

I'm really starting to worry about this bet. The Sabres are on fire. I can only hope for a burn out.

KnittingJones said...

Well, since I've already snagged a great skein of sock yarn, let's move on to soap! You know, to wash off the champagne from the victory celebration ... :)

Not An Artist said...


What a pounding! At least I managed to finish weaving in all the ends of my red scarf. Congrats ladies.

Zarzuela said...

I think I may have no fingernails left at all by the end of the year if they keep this up!
